Thursday, October 8, 2015

Extra Credit Chromebook Lab & Previous Labs


  • These activities are optional, but are due at the latest on Monday, October 12.
  • They will count for 5 bonus points to your lowest quiz score (assessment category).
  • You must take a screenshot whenever indicated (see individual activities below).
  • You must attach these screenshots to an email to me:
  • Make the Subject line as follows:
     [CLASS: JP1/JP2/SP2.x] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] Extra Credit 10/8

JP1 - Extra Credit Activities:

  1. Tenten & Maru Matching Game: - Take a screenshot when HALFWAY DONE.
  2. Hangman for Greetings in Romaji: - Take a screenshot when done with 4 WORDS.

JP2 - Extra Credit Activities:

  1. Basic Japanese - Greetings, Colors, Numbers: - Take a screenshot when you get up to $32,000. Keep playing until you get it. Try for $1,000,000.
  2. Add the Google Chrome Extension called "Rikaikun" to your browser:
  3. Look for the 理 button in your browser toolbar (across the top).
  4. Japanese Particles - Fill in the blank: - Click "Play the game". Then hover over a Kanji character. If there is no blue popup showing the Kanji try clicking the 理 button. Take a screenshot after you have earned 6 POINTS.
  5. If you are having trouble with Japanese Particles, try reading through the Tofugu Japanese Particles Cheat Sheet.

SP2 - Extra Credit Activities:

  1. Blockly: La Hora de Código - - Learn programming with visual language Blockly (¡en ESPAÑOL!). NOTE: Use the button labeled "pista" to get a hint about what to do next if you get stuck.
  2. ANSWER these questions by filling in the blank. (Write an email to me with this information)
    1. Jazmine es un estudiante de _____.
    2. Nosotros vamos a utilizar _____ para crear un programa, en cambio de código.
    3. En inglés, "avanza" significa _____.
    4. En el nivel 1, tenemos que añadir un bloque de ____ bajo el inicio para que Mario Hugo pueda llegar hasta el perro.
    5. En inglés, "gira" significa ____.
  3. AFTER completing Level 4, click on "Ver Código" and copy and paste the code into your email to me. Label it: "Level 4 Code".
  4. AFTER completing Level 5, click on "Repetir Nivel", and take a screenshot. Attach this screenshot to your email.

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