Thursday, April 28, 2016

SP2 P. 107 Skits - Thursday & Friday

INSTRUCTIONS: (also refer to p. 107 in the Realidades 2 textbook)
  1. Choose an option A or B and write a script.
  2. Write your own individual script.
  3. Get your script checked by me.
  4. Practice and present your skit with a partner.
  • Use the letter from Dolores as the basis for a phone conversation.
  • Edit the contents as necessary to create a natural phone conversation with Marta.
  • Dolores calls Marta on the phone.
  • Marta picks up the phone and answers: "Bueno..." or "Aló..."
  • Dolores asks Marta how she is doing, then invites her to go shopping tomorrow for the Gutierrez department store sale.
  • Marta responds and gives two reasons why she will or will not go.
  • Conclude the conversation by making specific plans for the next day or future plans to hang out later.
  • Use the HABLAR (speaking practice) activity 7.2 from page 107 as a basis for a couple short conversations on the theme of ¿Qué compran y cómo pagan?.
  • Write out two full conversations in the format shown above on your own. Write the lines that person A will ask you.
  • Get your script/conversations checked by me.
  • Find a partner and exchange and add the other's conversations. You should both end up with 4 short conversations total, along the lines of:
    • A: "What does so-and-so buy?"
    • B: "{person} buy/s <thing>."
    • A: "Does/do (they) pay with {method}?"
    • B: "Yes, (they) pay with {method}" / "No, they pay with {method (instead)}."
  • Each of you will present or act out two conversations in which you are person A and two in which you are person B.
  • (OPTIONAL: consider adding in props or strange/unconventional means of payment to liven up your skit..!)
We will prepare these in class on Thursday, April 28 and Perform them on Friday, April 29. 

DUE Friday at the start of class: Your final script you've prepared with your partner, along with the drafts which you have had me check previously.

Monday, April 25, 2016

SP2 - Más Práctica: Preterite and Imperfect

Review for your test tomorrow:

  1. Do the online practice quiz until you get 90%+.
  2. Compete the practice test packet, finish #1-16 and write the reasons for each.
  3. Do Pearson practice quiz (see screenshot below). Activity is called "Ch. 2B Additional Gram. Practice 1 - code: jdd-0214" -- Link to try: -- If not working, log in through Pearson and navigate to the activity.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

SP2 Chromebook Lab - April 21, 2016

1) First we will play Kahoot as a class. 

2) Next you will choose an activity to do individually or in groups to review Preterite or Imperfect. Choose one option to earn your participation points for our lab today:

A) Complete the Practice Quiz and show me when you get 85% or higher. (backup link: )

B) Play Quizlet: Scatter with the Trigger Words and show me when you complete it in under 35 seconds.

C) Login and add the new Kahoot: Pret/Imp Conjugations game to your favorites. Play it with one or two other logged-in users from our class. Compete against each other. Write your score for each match you complete in your notebook. Also take note of 3+ questions you got wrong (at any point). Write the questions out and include the correct answer. You may write this in your notebook. Show me when you are done.

Japanese Particles Practice

Use this to study the Japanese Particles:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SP2 Preterite and Imperfect Test - TUES., 4/26

We will have a 40 question multiple choice (A/B) test on Preterite/Imperfect past tense usage on Tuesday, April 26th.

This test is based directly on the practice quiz:

Preterit vs. Imperfect - differences and signifier phrases

  • You should practice this quiz online, taking note of any problems you miss (and why), and continue to practice until you are regularly achieving 90% accuracy or more.
  • Aim to pass the quiz TWICE with 90% accuracy BEFORE next Tuesday in order to be completely prepared.
Additional practice:

1) Try's Preterite vs Imperfect Part I: Quiz #1
  • Careful with #12 and #13:
    • 12. The girls spoke to the professor.
      Hint: Was it once or more than once?]
      Las chicas ( hablaron / hablaban )
      con el profesor.
    • 13. I needed more books.
      [Hint: How long did you need them?]
      Yo ( necesité / necesitaba ) más libros.
  • Take note of any problems that you missed. Ask yourself if you could explain to another student why the correct answer is what it is.
  • Suggested writing exercise: Write ten sentences. In five sentences use the preterite tense. In the other five sentences, use the imperfect tense. Check these with me.
 2) Trigger Words review on Quizlet

Monday, April 18, 2016

Caperucita Roja - Preterite & Imperfect

Cuperucita Roja quiz game:

Complete and check your work after doing your first attempt on the worksheet:
Check and correct your work. Write corrections in a different color pen.

¡Ayúdame! ... I need more help!

View/Download: Preterite/Imperfect Flow Chart (color)
View/Download: Preterite/Imperfect Flow Chart with Conjugations (black/white)

When you are done...

Try this Preterite and Imperfect Triggers quiz game:
Play until you get 10/10 correct.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

JP1 and JP2 Chromebook Lab - 4/14/16

  1. Do Katakana Drag-n-Drop:
  2. Establish baseline/benchmark time to meet.
  3. Continue until success.
  4. Show 先生 upon achieving the benchmark.
  1. Go to Kanji Lesson 4:
  2. Write all 10 new Kanji dictionary entries in your notebook, going from "up" to "what". Include: Meaning, kun-yomi, on-yomi, and stroke count.
  3. After writing the Kanji entries, do a Kanji Recognition Practice Game of 25 questions. Select: Practice, Kanji, Single-game, Kanji Recognition, Vol. 1, Ch. 4, 25 questions.
  4. Play the Kanji Recognition Practice Game until you get 24/25 correct.
  5. Show me your Kanji entries list and your score on your chromebook for a stamp and Participation Points.


  1.  Go to Kanji Lesson 8:
  2. Write all 10 new Kanji dictionary entries in your notebook, going from "new" to "few/little". Include: Meaning, kun-yomi, on-yomi, and stroke count.
  3. After writing the Kanji entries, do a Kanji Recognition Practice Game of 25 questions. Select: Practice, Kanji, Single-game, Kanji Recognition, Vol. 1, Ch. 8, 25 questions.
  4. Play the Kanji Recognition Practice Game until you get 24/25 correct.
  5. Show me your Kanji entries list and your score on your chromebook for a stamp and Participation Points.

Monday, April 11, 2016

SP2 Quiz Thursday: Pret./Imp. Conjugations (10 verbs)

Quizlet Set from which quiz questions will be created:

Practice and review on your own.

Problems will take the following form:
Ex.    HABLAR (imp) yo --> __________
Answer:  __hablaba__
The quiz will be multiple choice, 20-30 questions total.