Monday, May 16, 2016

JP1 Onomatopoeia "Flashcard" Presentations

With a partner prepare a bare-bones script to present your 6 flashcards to the class.


  1. Choose a presentation format: A) Teaching each other, B) Teaching the class together
  2. If teaching each other (A):
    1. Greet each other at the start of the conversation.
    2. Ask one another a question, such as: "Do you know the onomatopeia for these animals in Japanese?" or "Do you know what the [fox] says?".
    3. Script your conversation so that you have a natural back-and-forth. E.g. "No, I don't know that one...", "Oh, is that what the [fox] says!?", etc.
    4. Conclude with a phrase such as: "Wow, I really learned a lot!", or perhaps state your favorite sound.
  3. If Teaching the class together (B):
    1. Greet the class.
    2. Start off by telling us what we will learn.
    3. Teach us the onomatopoeia and make us repeat them.
    4. Quiz us on them: Ask for volunteers first, then call on students with the popsicle sticks to check their understanding and/or retention of the material.
    5. Continue to teach and quiz us until three students in-a-row answer your questions correctly.
  4. Show me your rough draft of your skit/script by Wednesday, May 18 at the end of class.
  5. Both students must write out a complete rough draft and final draft, with English and Japanese sentences.
  6. Skip lines when writing your rough draft.
  7. Write a final draft only after having your script approved by me.
  8. Submit your final drafts (hand-written, one from each of you, with English and Japanese, skipping lines) by Friday, May 20.

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